
The sophistication of the Bow Tie is a subtlety of the contemporary casual and formal wardrobe. With the office, the streets, the large-scale parties and the small-scale moments -  the modern gentleman is always prepared with the standard essentials.

Bow&Arrowed provides the style and confidence for a gentleman to tackle the day to day operations of the modern world. Each of our Bow Ties are hand crafted for that unique, off-the-cuff look that reinvigorates the fun and charm of the traditional gentleman.

So join the revolution.....
                                          Bow Ties are back!

                                                                                                                                                                    - O.C.

Bow&Arrowed Bow Ties are delivered pre-tied, with adjustable sizing via buttons along the back of the neck. All are reversible, through the process of untying and retying the Bow Tie, and instructions can be found on the How To page. Orders usually take 5-7 working days.
                                                                                                    Wear them well.